Sunday, June 9, 2019


72. When the lord of the ascendant occupying a quadrant has an Ithasala with the lord of the 6th or 12th, the querent will benefit from another master. Ifcontrarily disposed, there will be no benefit.

73. The querent will secure improvement in the present job itself if the lord of the ascendant occupies a Kendra, identical with his exaltation or own house and is in Ithasala with the Moon and is otherwise strongly disposed and unafflicted.

74. If the lord of the 7th is situated in a Kendra identical with his exaltation or own house and has Ithasala with the Moon and fortified by benefic aspects and association, the querent will immensely benefit under his new employer.

75. If a query "will I prosper in his house or in this place or elsewhere" is put, say
he will get on well if a Prishtodaya sign rises. Predict after taking into account all the pros and cons.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


68. The master-servant relationship will be cordial and beneficial if the ascendant is a Sirshodaya sign occupied or aspected by benefic planets; benefics are placed in the 2nd, 7th and 8th; and malefics occupy the 3rd, 6th and 11th.

69. According as malefics occupy the ascendant, the 2nd, the 7th or 8th, the servant will suffer from loss of money, mental affliction, difficulties and death respectively in the hands of the ruler (or employer). Hence he should reject such master.

70. It will be to the detriment to the interests of both the employer and the employee if malefics occupy the ascendant, 2nd, 7th and 8th. Benefics in these places conduce to the well-being of both the parties.

71. If the Moon and benefic planets occupy or aspect the ascendant and the 7th unafflicted by powerful malefics, the employer will take to the querent with kindness and friendliness.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


63. If malefics are in Apoklimas, the disease is hereditary having been caused by water or instruments.

64-66. According as the planets occupying the 8th or 12th are Rahu, Jupiter, the Moon, the sun, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus the sickness or disease will be due to the pretas, curses of parents, a deity, frequenting watery places, a female deity, family deity, spirits of dead persons, a sakini and a watery deity respectively. These deities possess atheists. When the Moon is strongly disposed in exaltation or own house, the disease can be cured; otherwise, the disease cannot be cured. When strong malefics are in quadrants, even when the deities are propitiated relief is not possible. If benefics are in kendras, mantras and japas will help. When the Moon is in an upachaya and benefics occupy quadrants, trines or the 8th, and the ascendant is aspected by benefics, the sick man will be relieved of his sickness.

67. The sick person will be cured of his sickness when benefics are in Kendras, Trikonas and the 8th; the Moon is in an Upachaya and the Lagna is aspected by benefics.


56. The patient's death is certain when the ascendant is occupied by the lord of the  6th and the Moon is aspected by malefics.
57. The Moon in the 4th or 8th house hemmed in between malefics denotes  death of the patient. The patient will recover early if the Moon is strongly placed and aspected by benefics.
58. The sick person will depart to the abode of Yama if the Moon is in the ascendant and the Sun is in the 7th. The disease or illness will become complicated by the physician's treatment when malefics are in the ascendant.
59. If benefics are in the ascendant, the diagnosis will be correct. The Lagna signifies the physician, the 7th represents the nature of the disease or sickness, the 10th rules the sick person and the 4th denotes treatment.
60. If there is friendship between the lords of the 1st and 10th houses, the treatment being appropriate to the disease, the illness will be cured. Otherwise the disease aggravates.
61. The sick man is sure to survive, if the ascendant lord being a benefic is strongly disposed in a quadrant, is exalted or occupies Moolatrikona.
62. A single planet, which should be powerful and a benefic occupying the Lagna, protects the sick man. If benefics are in the 9th, 6th, 11th and 3rd, then also, the illness will be cured.


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