Sunday, November 11, 2018


63. If malefics are in Apoklimas, the disease is hereditary having been caused by water or instruments.

64-66. According as the planets occupying the 8th or 12th are Rahu, Jupiter, the Moon, the sun, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus the sickness or disease will be due to the pretas, curses of parents, a deity, frequenting watery places, a female deity, family deity, spirits of dead persons, a sakini and a watery deity respectively. These deities possess atheists. When the Moon is strongly disposed in exaltation or own house, the disease can be cured; otherwise, the disease cannot be cured. When strong malefics are in quadrants, even when the deities are propitiated relief is not possible. If benefics are in kendras, mantras and japas will help. When the Moon is in an upachaya and benefics occupy quadrants, trines or the 8th, and the ascendant is aspected by benefics, the sick man will be relieved of his sickness.

67. The sick person will be cured of his sickness when benefics are in Kendras, Trikonas and the 8th; the Moon is in an Upachaya and the Lagna is aspected by benefics.


56. The patient's death is certain when the ascendant is occupied by the lord of the  6th and the Moon is aspected by malefics.
57. The Moon in the 4th or 8th house hemmed in between malefics denotes  death of the patient. The patient will recover early if the Moon is strongly placed and aspected by benefics.
58. The sick person will depart to the abode of Yama if the Moon is in the ascendant and the Sun is in the 7th. The disease or illness will become complicated by the physician's treatment when malefics are in the ascendant.
59. If benefics are in the ascendant, the diagnosis will be correct. The Lagna signifies the physician, the 7th represents the nature of the disease or sickness, the 10th rules the sick person and the 4th denotes treatment.
60. If there is friendship between the lords of the 1st and 10th houses, the treatment being appropriate to the disease, the illness will be cured. Otherwise the disease aggravates.
61. The sick man is sure to survive, if the ascendant lord being a benefic is strongly disposed in a quadrant, is exalted or occupies Moolatrikona.
62. A single planet, which should be powerful and a benefic occupying the Lagna, protects the sick man. If benefics are in the 9th, 6th, 11th and 3rd, then also, the illness will be cured.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


6. The missing person will return if any planet occupies the 6th or 7th, Jupiter is in a quadrant and   Mercury and Venus are in trines.

7. The traveller should be deemed to have been dead if the ascendant is a Prushtodaya sign aspected by malefics and devoid of benefic aspects and the 6th house is occupied by Mercury afflicted by malefics.

8. The person will have gone from one place to another if malefics occupy the third. His money will have been robbed if malefics are in quadrants.

9. If malefics are in the 3rd, 6th and 11th and benefics in quadrants, the missing person, no matter how far he may be, will return safe.

10. The traveller will be in custody if Saturn occupies a malefic sign identical with a quadrant or a trine and is aspected by malefics.

11. The traveller will be held in custody permanently, or for some time or arrested and released according as the ascendant occupied by benefics, is a fixed, movable or common sign.

12. If malefics occupy the 7th or the trines and the ascendant being a Prushtodaya sign is aspected by malefics, the traveller will be subjected to many troubles and difficulties.

13. Benefic planets in the 7th indicate the safety of the traveller. Malefics in the ascendant denote difficulties for him.

14. If the Lagna or the Navamsa Lagna is a movable sign and the Moon occupies the 4th, the person will return home safely after completing his work.

15. If the quadrants are occupied by benefics and unafflicted by malefics or if the Moon is in the 8th, the traveller will be back home safe.

16. If Durdhura Yoga is present, the traveller will be where he is. If benefics cause Durdhura, it forebodes good for the traveller. If malefics cause the Yoga, he will suffer because of enemies and thieves.
17. If the Lagna is a fixed sign, then the traveller will remain where he is; the illness will not be cured; lost money will not be recovered; failure will be the result.

18. If the Lagna is Chara, contrary results happen. If the Lagna is a common sign, the first and second halves denote results similar to fixed and movable signs respectively.

19. The traveller will get back soon it Jupiter and Venus are in the 3rd or 2nd house. If they are in the 4th, he will return home soon after completing his mission.

20. If the Moon is in the 7th house or if the lord of the 7th is in the second Hora of a sign, the traveller will be on his way back home.

21. If Venus, the Sun, Jupiter or Mercury is in the 4th or 11th, then return of the missing person should be expected soon. If any one of these planets is in the 12th, the person will not return.

22. The fugitive will return from the foreign country in as many months as the number of signs intervening between the Lagna and the strongest planet.

23. The above period of return is for movable signs. According as the strongest planet is in a fixed or a common sign, the number is to be doubled or trebled.

24. The time of return may also coincide with the time of the lord of the 7th becoming retrograde.

25. If benefic planets occupy the 4th and 10th, the traveller will not return. Malefics in the above places indicate the return of the person.

26. The person will meet with as many difficulties as the number of malefics that are situated in the 9th or 12th from Lagna or the Lagna lord.

27. The traveller will meet with as many benefits on the way as the number of benefic planets that are occupying the 9th or 12th from the Lagna or Lagna lord.

28. According as afflicted Saturn devoid of beneficial aspects is in the 9th or 8th, the traveller suffers from illness, or dies in a foreign place.

29. The traveller will be prevented from return ing either by friends, or by enemies, illness or thieves according as the Moon's Durdhura Yoga in the 7th is caused by benefics or malefics.

30. If the Sun and the Moon are in the 6th aspected by Saturn, the traveller will have fear from enemy's weapons. If Mercury or Venus is in the 11th, he will be happy. If Mars or Saturn is in the 8th, afflicted, he will encounter troubles on the way.

31. If the lord of Lagna or the Moon is in the 6th, 4th or 8th, debilitated or combust, has Ithasala with the lord of the 8th and benefics are away, the traveller should be presumed to be dead.

32. The person gone to a distant place should be considered as dead if the Moon is in Ithasala with a retrograde planet occupying the 1st, 2nd or 3rd house which should be devoid of benefics.

33. If benefics are in the 6th, 8th or 12th devoid of strength and aspected by malefics; or if the Sun and the Moon are afflicted by malefics, the person is dead.

34. The ascendant being a Prishtodaya sign occupied by malefics, malefic planets occupy trines, quadrants or the 8th or the 6th unaspected by benefics the traveller is dead. If the Sun is in the 9th, he is suffering from illness.

35. When the Moon has Ithasala with a planet placed in a house beyond the 4th, and is aspected by or conjoined with benefics, the traveller who has gone abroad is happy and returns safely.

36. If malefics are in inimical signs, the enemy will beat a retreat in the middle of the journey. If they are in the 4th, the enemy's retreat will follow with defeat.

37. When the fourth house is identical with Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius or Cancer, the enemy will suffer defeat; if it falls in a quadruped sign, the enemy will retreat.

38. The enemy will beat a retreat if the Lagna of the 4th house falls in Aries. Leo, Sagittarius or Taurus, whether or not such house is occupied by any planets.

39. The enemy will not arrive if the 4th is occupied by the Sun and the Moon. Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in the 4th denote early invasion by the enemy.

40. If Saturn or Jupiter occupies Lagna, which should be a fixed sign, no forecast should be given to the querent. Malefics in the 3rd, 5th and 6th denote conflict with the enemy. He (the enemy) will be defeated if malefics are in the 4th.

41. The ruler will win if benefics occupy the 10th, 1st or 7th. Mars and Saturn in the 9th cause defeat to the querent-king. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 9th denote victory.

42. The enemy's invasion may happen within as many days as are signified by the number of signs intervening between the ascendant and the Moon, provided there are no planets in between.

43. If strong Venus, Jupiter and Mercury or if at least two of these, or if Jupiter or Venus be in Lagna, the enemy ruler will be killed in the battle-field.

44. 44. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu or four of them or at least three of them occupy the Lagna, the querent king will meet with quick death. If these planets are in the 7th, the enemy king will meet with immediate death.

45. If Venus, Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury, or at least three of them in strength, occupy the 7th house, the enemy will quickly inflict defeat on the querent king. If benefics are in the 4th and 10th, the parties will sign a treaty.

46. If the Moon occupying Lagna has Ithasala with Mars, the querent will be captured or killed. A similar fate befalls the enemy if the Moon (having Ithasala with Mars) occupies the 7th.

47. Peace between the parties will be brought about by the person signified by planets in exaltation or own house, who are situated in between the lords of the ascendant and the 7th. If such a planet is Mercury, the mediator will be a writer or a scholar.

48. If malefics are in the 7th and benefics in the ascendant, the enemy is paid a ransom. If vice versa, the enemy pays ransom to the querent-ruler.

49. If Mercury occupies the 5th and has Ithasala with the Sun, the spies will be in incognito. If Mars is in Easarpha with the Moon, the spies will don the dress signified by the planet in association with the Moon.

50. The fortress will be taken if malefics are in Lagna at the time of query. This will be specially so if the malefic happens to be Mars of Rahu.

51-52. The fortress will be secured quickly when Rahu is in the 7th. If malefics are in Lagna or the 7th and the lord of Lagna is in the 12th, 2nd, 8th or 6th, the fortress cannot be taken back again. If the ascendant lord associated with malefics is retrograde and occupies a Kendra, was is inevitable.

53. Lord of the 6th or malefics in the 7th denotes war. Malefics occupying quadrant, and especially Scorpio or Cancer, indicate the destruction of the fortress.

54. Mars and lord of the 8th in conjunction forebodes colossal slaughter. Jupiter in the 2nd, 5th or 11th, which should be a Keeta Rashi, indicates no such destruction. If Saturn and Mars are in quadrants, there will be heavy destruction and capture of troops by the enemy.

55. A war of great destruction will be declared if malefics are in or aspect the Lagna or the Lagna is hemmed in between malefics.


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